Frequently asked questions
Although it is extremely difficult (if not impossible) to estimate the costs of legal services, our mandate has a detailed list of fees that we charge on a particular matter which is explained to clients during consultation. DPS Attorneys allows clients to enter into a payment plan should the need arise – this is usually interest free.
Yes, you can, but this is not advisable as the process entails a high court application which by its very nature is costly and time consuming. If you do not enter into an ANC before you get married, you are automatically married in community of property.
The aspect of maintenance for a major dependent “child” has become complicated with the age of majority being 18 years. The short answer is yes, but the application for maintenance is brought against the mother and father and both financial positions need to be assessed in accordance with the needs of the child.
Previously yes, but now every regional court is also a divorce court.